Green team Coordinator - Deputy rector
Patrizia Lombardi, PhD, MSc, BA/MA is Deputy Rector of the Politecnico di Torino. Full Professor in Planning Evaluation and Project Appraisal, she is Chair of the Green Team Office since 2015. She is an established figure in the field of sustainable urban development evaluation and management for over 20 years, publishing widely in the subject area and coordinating, or serving as lead partner in several interdisciplinary Pan-European Projects. She has received a number of awards for excellence.
Professor - Interdisciplinary Studies
Julie Thompson Klein is a professor and scholar in the field of Interdisciplinary Studies at Wayne State University. Klein is widely known as a pioneer in interdisciplinary education, and has consulted widely in academic and other settings in the field. In 2016, she was a speaker at the Centennial Symposium of the Association of American Colleges and Universities. During her 36 years at Wayne State, her publications have been heavily cited.
Full Professor - Strategy and entrepreneurship
Emilio Paolucci is full professor at Politecnico di Torino, where he teaches “Strategic Management” and “Hi-tech Entrepreneurship”. Vice Rector for Technology Transfer from 2015 to 2018. He is xurrently board member at “Collegio Carlo Alberto” and at “Alta Scuola Politecnica”, responsible of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Politecnico di Torino and of the Contamination Lab project. He co-founded a company active in the storage of energy (now Engie-EPS, listed on Euronext Paris), awarded with the “National Innovation Prize” in Italy in 2006, selected in 2011 as “Technology Pioneer” by the World Economic Forum, and included in 2012 in the “Global Cleantech 100” list as a global technology leader.
Professor - Epidemiology and Population Health
Gabriele Bammer is a Professor at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Research School of Population Health, Australian National University College of Health and Medicine. She is also an ANU Public Policy Fellow and a Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam, Germany. She is developing the new discipline of Integration and Implementation Sciences to improve research strengths for tackling complex real-world problems through synthesis of disciplinary and stakeholder knowledge, understanding and managing diverse unknowns, and providing integrated research support for policy and practice change (see http://i2s.anu.edu.au).
Emeritus Professor - Theoretical physics
Mario Rasetti, got his degree (MSc) in Nuclear Engineering and a second one in Mathematics at the Politecnico of Torino in 1967/68. He got his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at the CTH in Göteborg.From the very beginning, his scientific activity had an international profile (Yale, Coral Gables at Miami University, Princeton at the Institute for Advanced Studies). Back to Italy, after winning a national competition for a full professorship in theoretical physics at the Politecnico, he funded the ISI Foundation. He is author or co-author of more than 250 papers on scientific journals and 4 books.
Professor - Sustainability
Distinguished Professor and Deputy Director Cynthia Mitchell is a leading researcher and thinker with broad experience in future-oriented city and water planning, policy and assessment at the Institute for Sustainable Futures.
Her areas of interests include: Community development, food, sustainable design, air, land, water and waste and education for sustainability.
Facilitator, Coach & Trainer for Change
Ruth FÖrster has long-term experience and expertise in designing and facilitating interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary cooperation and learning processes particularly in higher education and research for sustainable development. She has been teaching transdisciplinary project work and coaching students individually and in teams for more than 15 years. Complementary to her degrees in mechanical engineering (RWTH Aachen), environmental engineering (doctorate) and didactics from ETH Zurich, she brings with her expertise in Expressive Arts & Movement (Tamalpa Institute, California) and psychological counselling.
At ETH Zurich, she headed the interdisciplinary MAS in Work & Health and recently the interdisciplinary MAS|CAS «Mobilität der Zukunft». For both she designed competence-oriented and learner centered curricula and facilitated the development and implementation processes in interdisciplinary teams.
Principal Researcher - Institute of Social Sciences
Olivia Bina is a Principal Researcher and Deputy Director at the Institute of Social Sciences (University of Lisbon) and Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Department of Geography and Resource Management (Chinese University of Hong Kong). Her research critically examines the changing notion of sustainability and the need to define the key elements of sustainable futures, especially in the expanding urban contexts. Olivia Bina has a longstanding interest in understanding our changing relationship with Nature, and how that is at the origin of the many challenges facing the 21st century.
She sees herself as an interdisciplinary ‘policy-engaged’ researcher, trying to wrestle with challenges of the (un)sustainability of our socio-economic model and its effect on our quality of life, through the lens of environmental governance, sustainable development and transitions theories. The general idea is to assist in efforts towards progress beyond growth.
Co-Director Center for Logistics and Innovative Production (CLIP)
Professor (full) of Organisational Sustainability
Rodrigo Lozano currently works as Professor (full) of Organisational Sustainability at the Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development. University of Gävle. Rodrigo does research in Corporate Sustainability, Education for Sustainable Development, Assessment and Reporting, Collaboration, and Organisational Change Management (among others).
Chair of URNET - Urban resilience
Director - MSC City resilience design
Lorenzo is a multidisciplinary researcher chairing the Urban Resilience Research Network (URNet) and lecturer in Barcelona at the International University of Catalonia (UIC). With a background in urban and regional planning, environmental policy and urban geography, his research and teaching activities critically address the governance and planning processes related to city resilience governance. Interested in the complex relationship between urban resilience and sustainability, he is particularly concerned about the nowadays normative application of resilience in cities, and the emergence of unaccounted trade-offs among social, environmental or spatial and temporal aspects of urban resilience.
Professor, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership
Ian came to the University of Cambridge on an Energy Research Fellowship from the Social Science Research Council. He became a partner in Eclipse Research Consultants in 1984. He is a visiting professor in the School of the Built Environment, Salford University, where he formerly held a chair as a founding Co-director of SURF (the Centre for Sustainable Urban and Regional Futures). Ian is a board member of the Sustainable Development Foundation, a non-profit organisation working to deliver a radical step-change in the sustainability performance of the UK built environment.
Director – Centre for Teaching & Learning
Dr Jo-Anne Ferreira is Professor of Sustainability and Teacher Education in the School of Education at La Trobe University, Bendigo, Australia. She is Director of Graduate Research and leads the Innovative Pedagogies Education Discipline Area. Prior to this she was Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning, Academic Director SCU Online, Acting Head of School, Education and Deputy Head of School, Education (Teaching and Learning) at Southern Cross University. She was also Program Coordinator for the interdisciplinary Master of Environment (Education for Sustainability) Program, and Director of the EcoCentre at Griffith University. Her research interests are in the sociology of education, in particular how environmental and sustainability education fashions environmental citizenship skills and identities; in teacher education systems and social change; and in online learning and teaching design and pedagogies.
Head of Innovation and Community UPC
Dr. Didac Ferrer-Balas graduated as an industrial & materials engineer since 1997. He obtained a doctorate in materials science in 2001 from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC-Barcelona Tech). In year 2000, he was appointed as the Coordinator of the Environment Plan of UPC. From 2005 to 2009, he was the director of CITIES (Interdisciplinary Center of Technology, Innovation and Education for Sustainability), and from 2009-2010 the technical director of the Institute of Sustainability (IS.UPC), with a wide number of projects in curriculum development, sustainable education, sustainable management, interdisciplinary research and communication. He is currently the head of the Innovation and Community Office at UPC.
Director of Euskampus - Engineering
Igor Campillo is in charge of designing and implementing Euskampus Fundazioa’s strategy and overall performance. He has dedicated the last few years of his career to promoting the Euskampus International Campus of Excellence (CEI), first from the UPV/EHU and since December 2011 from my position as Director of Euskampus Fundazioa. He has worked on designing an approach for the Euskampus Fundazioa to consolidate and systematise the core activities of the International Campus of Excellence project since it was completed. He also focus on diversifying the Foundation’s activities, exploring new and highly complex areas and working with dynamic innovative trans-disciplinary cooperatives with systemic approaches.
Director-MIT Office of Sustainability
Dr. Julie Newman joined MIT as the Institute’s first Director of Sustainability in the summer of 2013. She has worked in the field of sustainable development and campus sustainability for twenty years. Her research has focused on the intersection between decision-making processes and organizational behavior in institutionalizing sustainability into higher education.
Julie lectures and consults for universities both nationally and internationally, participates on a variety of boards and advisory committees and has contributed to a series of edited books and peer reviewed journals. Julie holds a BS in Natural Resource Policy and Management from the University of Michigan; an MS in Environmental Policy and Biology from Tufts University; and a Ph.D. in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies from the University of New Hampshire.
Designer, Researcher, Writer-Civic Innovation
Matthew Claudel is a designer, researcher and writer focused on the opportunities and challenges of urban innovation. Matthew has been published widely in the fields of architecture, innovation science, technology and art, and co-authored two books: Open Source Architecture and The City of Tomorrow. Matthew has given a Talk@ Google, taught at the Politecnico di Torino e Milano, lectured at the Harvard Business school, and was featured in the BBC Future series. He is a World Economic Forum ‘Global Shaper,’ serves as a part of the United Nations’ Digital Technologies for Sustainable Urbanization Network, and is an active protagonist of Hans Ulrich Obrist’s 89plus. Matthew is currently co-affiliated between the MIT Department of Urban Studies & Planning and the MIT Lab for Innovation Science & Policy for his PhD. He is a co-founder of designX, a new initiative in the MIT School of Architecture + Planning that accelerates innovation for the built environment.
CEO of Duneworks
Ruth Mourik has a Masters Degree in Anthropology and Sociology, a Cum Laude Masters Degree in Society and Technology Studies (STS), and holds a PhD in risk communication, controversy analyses and public participation.
As the founder of Dune Works, a research and consultancy organisation, she specialises in sustainability projects, with a focus in stakeholder participation, end-user behaviour, behavioural change, innovation management, user practices, risk perception, and societal acceptance of new technologies and future studies.
She has been an Assistant Professor in Strategic Niche Management at Eindhoven Technical University and a senior researcher and theme leader at the Energy Research Center of the Netherlands (ECN). Previous work includes research commissioned by the European Commission, the Dutch Ministries of Environment and Economic Affairs, local governments and companies.
Head of the RESTORE COST action
Carlo Battisti has a degree in Civil Engineering from the Politecnico of Milan and twenty years of experience with construction companies. Carlo has a Masters in Management and Organizational Development from MIP, the Business School of Politecnico of Milan. He is a LEED®, Living Future and WELL Accredited Professional.
Since 2017, he’s worked with EURAC research as Chair and project manager of the COST Action 16114 RESTORE (REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy). The RESTORE COST Action (2017-2021) will affect a paradigm shift towards restorative sustainability for new and existing buildings and space design across Europe, through the collaboration of 100+ researchers from 33 European countries.
Environmental Director
Eddi Omrcen is Environmental Manager at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He has conducted postgraduate studies and research in the field of development and implementation of environmental management systems (EMS), environmentally adjusted product development, as well as project management, temporary organizations and intrapreneurship. Omrcen has been responsible for the development and implementation of an EMS at the university. In January 2006 the whole of the University of Gothenburg was certified according to ISO 14001 and the Eco Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). He has developed courses on environmental business, environmental management and project management at undergraduate and Master's levels. Omrcen also has extensive experience as a consultant in these fields. He has a Bachelor's degree in Business Management from the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg.
Lecturer – Geopolitics & Globalization, Rhetoric, Global Challenges and Value Creation.
Maria Garcia- Alvarez is a lecturer in Geopolitics & Globalization, Rhetoric, Global Challenges and value creation. She is also the coordinator of the Value Creators. She holds a Master's degree in Communication Sciences from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (Spain) and she is a certified lecturer in educating for sustainability by the Earth Charter. Her focus is education for sustainability, transdisciplinary and emergent learning. She has expertise in developing educational concepts which integrates uncertainty and complexity, addressing the SDG agenda.
Researcher - Anthropology of Science
Bianca Vienni Baptista, with a PhD in Cultural Studies at the University of Granada (Spain), is a postdoctoral researcher of the Transdisciplinarity Lab. She works at the project entitled "SHAPE-ID: Shaping interdisciplinary practices in Europe", financed by H2020.
As a researcher and lecturer, she works in the broad field of Science, Technology and Society Studies, focusing in particular on the study of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge production processes. She has focused her research on the specific conditions for inter- and transdisciplinary research in different countries and on the production and social use of knowledge in developing countries, including the role of universities and other institutions.
Talent your body’ coach – psychology
Valerie Adolff completed her business studies degree and spent 10 years working in various sectors and in national and international companies (1989-1999). Following a burnout, she took a new professional path and started researching the relationship between our emotional/physical balance and our habits (2001).
She also studied The Grinberg Method of somatic coaching, which confirmed the direct connection between our body, attitude and wellbeing (2004-2009). She started freelancing in 2010 and worked with the Centro Médico La Salut de Sant Just on chronic pain, preparing for surgery and scar recovery. She also obtained a diploma from the BSA Akademie in Germany (2015) and she now gives individual and group sessions at her private practice, at educational and cultural centres and at private companies.
Assistant Professor – Sociology
Marta Varanda works as an assistant professor at ISEG – Lisboa School of Economics & Management. She is also a core group member, STSMSs team coordinator, synthesis team coordinator of interdisciplinarity in research programming and funding cycles (INTREPID). Her skills and expertise include qualitative analysis and social network analysis.
Professor- Environmental Systems Science
Michael Stauffacher balances scientific excellence with societal relevance in his research. His research has always a problem-focus, that means he start from a real-world problem, trying to disentangle its complexities by an integrative approach linking different disciplinary perspectives. Close interaction with societal actors is thereby of key importance, both in co-designing the research and co-producing knowledge throughout the whole process – an approach we denote as transdisciplinary research and that he develop further by conceptual and methodological contributions. His core problem fields are at the moment contested infrastructures like for instance, projects on deep geothermal energy, carbon capture and storage and the nexus energy--climate change from the perspective of urban development.
Stichting BirdLife Europe, Marine Coordinator
Lenke Balint earned a BSc in Agricultural Economics, with a focus on rural development, at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca, Romania in 2007. Since then, she has worked for a Romanian nature conservation NGO called Fundatia ADEPT Transilvania for 3 years. During the MPhil she aims to develop her knowledge and skills to bring practical and sustainable solutions to the issues facing the rural areas of Romania.
Senior Scientist, Co-Director USYS TdLab, ETH Zürich
During Christian Erik's studies of environmental sciences, his PhD on uncertainty in LCA, and his postdoc in science studies, he observed that interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research was re-invented every time a new project was started. There was no systematic learning and no body of knowledge on how to conceptualize and practice such collaborative research. Since the late 1990s and together with colleagues from around the world, he is trying to build up such a body of knowledge, as for instance by the Principles for Designing Transdisciplinary Research, the Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research or TD-net’s toolbox for co-producing knowledge.
Adjunct Professor – education
Julie Davis’ teaching and research interests lie at the intersection of science, health, society and environment, with a special interest in early childhood education for sustainability (ECEfS). Helping educators understand and grapple with issues of sustainability lies at the core of her pedagogical approaches. Acting on this interest, Julie co-founded the Queensland Early Childhood Environmental Education Network (now the Queensland Early Childhood Sustainability Network).