TrUST - Principal Investigator
Giulia Sonetti, PhD, is Transdisciplinary Researcher at CENSE - Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research, (Lisbon, PT); Adjunct professor in Urban Transitions at UIC Barcelona - International University of Catalonia & at IED Barcelona - Escola Superior de Disseny; Principal Investigator at TrUST – Transdisciplinarity for Urban Sustainability Transition; Fellow at the Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership (Berlin, DE & multiple locations. . The transdisciplinary literacy learned by doing and envisioning stakeholder dialogue exercises has taken me all over European and overseas Universities and knowledge co-creation spaces, shaping a meaningful, new, regenerative and transformative sustainability paradigm.
Postdoctoral Researcher - Environmental and Sustainability
Antje Disterheft completed her PhD in the field of (social) sustainability, having conducted research on sustainability in higher education and how to assess participatory processes when universities start engaging with all forms of change towards sustainability. She also got trained in diverse methods for participatory leadership and project management design, applying now her facilitation skills in diverse group settings. Currently, she works on transdisciplinary approaches in science-society interfaces, focusing on capacity building and new approaches to collaboration and co-creation.
Director - ISINNOVA
Before joining ISINNOVA in 1983, Carlo Sessa has conducted research at NYU, where he worked with Nobel Prize winner Wassily Leontieff. He was the Coordinator of several EU research projects, in the 5th, 6th and 7th Framework Programmes, mostly in the fields of transport, energy, environment and urban governance issues. In this context, he was leading several participatory projects, involving panels of experts and citizens and aiming to raise the citizens awareness of science and technology prospects in the field of sustainable urban development (EU project RAISE: www.raise-eu.org), sustainable urban transport (EU project MOVE TOGETHER: www.move-together-exhibition.net) and sustainable water management (EU project AWARE: www.aware-eu.net). Carlo was also a leading researcher involved in the EU Project PACT – Transition to Post-Carbon Society, and he is currently a leading partner in the EU SSH project GLOBAL-IQ – Impacts Quantification of global changes“.
Research fellow - Sustainability
Chiara Genta is a PhD student in “Urban and Regional development” at the Politecnico di Torino and Università di Torino. She graduated with honors in architecture at the Politecnico di Torino in 2017 with a master thesis that evaluated the ecological footprint of a university campus and proposed green strategies to reduce the environmental impact and improve wellbeing and sense of belonging of users. Since 2018, she is a chartered architect obtaining an honourable mention in the international design competition Europan14.
Her main research interests are focused on sustainable urban development, urban metabolism and behavioural patterns, using inter-disciplinary research methods.
Associate Professor - Political Ecology
Dario Padovan is Associate Professor of Sociology at the Department of Culture, Politics and Society of the University of Turin. Since 2015, he has been the director of the Master on Socio environmental sustainability of Agri food Networks. He is member of Editorial Committee of Theomai Journal (Buenos Aires), Democracy & Nature (London - U.K.), Chosmos & History (Melbourne, Australia). He is Vice-Chair of Scientific Board of the The ESA Research Network 31 on “Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism”, and member of ESA Research Network 12 on “Environment and Sociology”, and of Research Network 6 on “Sociology of Consumption” of ESA. Main research topics: sustainability, environmental accounting, urban metabolism regulation, sociology of practices, energy, environmental conflicts, risk perception, smart energy grids, socio-technical systems transition.
Assistant professor - Industrial engineering
Tonia Tommasi is Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Torino, in the dept of Applied Science and Technology. She has a great passion about the fascinating world of microorganisms, and in particular their strategies to naturally solve environmental and today energy problems. Her research interests focus on energy production from bio-waste, sustainability analysis of bioprocesses, biological hydrogen production, improvement of arid-soil quality and waste-water treatments. Moreover, she pays specific attention to the spread of the scientific knowledge proposing research-communication activities, both through divulgation laboratories and interviews on national mass media scientific programs
Research Fellow - Sociology
Osman Arrobbio is research fellow at the Department of Culture, Politics and Society, University of Torino. His research is mainly focused on practice theory, energy practices, smart grids, rebound effect, SSH-STEM interdisciplinarity. He holds a PhD in Sociology and has a background in Political Sciences and Sustainable Development from the University of Torino.
Associate professor - Evaluation and Metrics
Isabella M. Lami, Ph.D in Real Estate and Urban Planning, MSc in Real Estate and Urban Planning, is Associate Professor of Urban Planning Evaluation and Project Appraisal at Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning of Politecnico and Università di Torino (DIST). She has a wide expertise in in Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and spatial decision processes within the context of urban and territorial transformations and also in managing international participatory processes. She is involved in several National, European and International Research Projects on this topic. She is a member of the International Society Multiple Criteria Decision Making, MCDM and EURO Working Group Multicriteria Decision Aiding.
Assistant Professor - Urban planning
Ianira Vassallo earned a PhD in Spatial Planning and Public Policy at IUAV, Venice, and she is now assistant professor in Urbanism at the DIST – Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning – in Politecnico di Torino. Her research deals with innovative practices for cities regeneration and the relationship between the different actors that contribute to this process.
In the last years she joined the FIRB National Research - Living urban scape (IUAV University of Venice and Roma Tre) (2011-2013), the Territories in crisis Program (2014- 2015) and City and Production Hub (2017-2019). In 2017 she was awarded the second prize at 14th European Design Competition with the project group MakingRoom(s). Since 2015 she's a member of LABSUS cultural association.
Associate Professor - Sociology of media
Sara Monaci is Associate Professor in Media and Communication at Politecnico di Torino (DIST). Her research interests focus on Internet studies, social media, online narratives with a particular concern about the processes of polarization, radicalisation enhanced by the digital environments. She's been recently the PI (Politecnico) of the EU funded research project SAFFRON, 2016-2018, www. saffron-project.eu.
Recently she got involved in researches on interdisciplinarity in the field of SDG goals and Urban Sustainability with a particular focus on the relation between online and physical environments of collaboration".
Assistant Professor - Urban Design
Caterina Barioglio is Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Design of Politecnico di Torino. She earned a Ph.D. in History of Architecture and Urban Design in 2016, with a dissertation carried out between Turin and Columbia University, New York. Bridging history and design, her research and publications relate to urban regeneration processes, with a main focus on the spatial effects of urban rules and socio-economic transformations. From 2016 to 2018 she coordinated the operative research team of the Masterplan project of the Politecnico di Torino and linked teaching activities. Since 2018 she is being fellow of the interdepartmental research center FULL - Future Urban Legacy Lab.
Assistant Professor - Architecture
Daniele Campobenedetto is an architect and an Assistant Professor in Architectural and Urban Design at the Department of Architecture and Design of Politecnico di Torino. He holds a Ph.D. in History of Architecture and Town Planning from Politecnico di Torino and in Architecture from Université Paris Est. His research activities focus especially urban transformations and reuse strategies and have been carried out in Paris, Shanghai and Turin. From 2017 to 2018 he has been part of the Masterplan Team of Politecnico di Torino.
Principal Investigator
Assistant professor - sustainability
Giulia Sonetti, PhD, Msc, MArch+BArch, is assistant professor, chartered architect and sustainability advisor at the Green Team of Politecnico di Torino, while being a multidisciplinary assistant professor in sustainability management and evaluation currently appointed at the Interuniversity Department of Regional & Urban Studies and Planning (Turin, Italy). She co-designed and implemented many national, EU FP7 / H2020 research projects about inter-transdisciplinary approaches, sustainability management strategies and socio-technical pathways towards a post carbon society embracing the 17 SDGs.
UNITO- Physics of complex systems
Dario Cottafava is a Phd Candidate in “Innovation for the Circular Economy” within the University of Turin. In the past three years he researched on Data Mining, IOT and SmartCities within the University of Turin on three research projects “ComfortSense”, “Open Source Building Energy Management Systems & Real Time Monitoring” and “Easy Open Data: from Big Data to environmental sustainability. Opportunities and difficulties for Public Administration”. He achieved a bachelor in “Physics”, a master in “Material for energy and environment” and a dual degree in “Physics of Complex Systems” between the Polytechnic of Turin and Paris XI. Actively engaged in environmental sustainability, he is working for UniToGO, the Green Office of the University of Turin.
Research Fellow- Engineering and Management
Agustin Labarthe is a MsC student in Engineering and Management at Polytechnic of Turin (DIGEP). He is performing a double degree program with the University of Belgrano (Argentina), where he studied Industrial Engineering.Trained in project and production management, economics and finance, his main research interests are interdisciplinary approaches, sustainable energy and resilient economy.
Associate Professor – Communication and Social Research
Mauro Sarrica works in the Faculty Of Communications Science, Sapienza University of Rome. His main research interests are the social construction of knowledge, stability and change of social beliefs, and peace psychology, with a focus on how people interpret and co-construct social reality in order to face changes and innovation. He is member of EAESP, ISPP and AIP scientific associations.
Research Fellow – Social Psychology
Laura Soledad Norton is research fellow at the Department of Methods and Models for the Economy, Territory and Finance, Sapienza University of Rome. Her research is mainly focused on cultural psychology, narrative of migration and qualitative methodology. She holds a PhD in Social Psychology.
Her task within the TrUST project is to set up, conduct and analyse interviews with stakeholders.
Research Fellow- Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning and Environmental Engineering
Daniela Toro Becerra is a double degree student in the Master course "Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning" at Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and "Environmental Engineering" at Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia). Her research interests are sustainable development goals, planning sustainable territories, sustainable urban development and environmental systems modelling.
Research fellow - City resilience design and management
Lauréline is an architect graduated from the Ecole Supérieure National de Versailles, ENSAV. Since then, she developed her interest in the relation between cities and nature. Her graduating project explores through a case study in Lisbon how to regenerate neglected territory with the element of water in order to raise local economy and activity. To further deepen her understanding of the current challenges that cities face, she specialised herself on the topic with a City Resilience Design and Management Master in Barcelona directed by Prof. Lorenzo Chelleri. She is now focusing her research on water integrated management working with ORU (Office of Urban Resilience) on the proposition for a medium scale water district as a solution for the water crisis in Mexico City.
Research Fellow - Environment Design
Mahmood Ramezanzade is a MSc student in Architecture for Sustainable Design at Polytechnic of Turin (DIST), winner of the "Resilient Homes" competition in Washington D.C (https://buildacademy.com/resilienthomes). He is also adjunct professor in fields of environment design during bachelor, awarded in a design competition in Iran. Trained in fractal geometry, tourism, urban transformations, his main research focuses relate to flood-resilience, energy efficiency and sustainable development.
Research Fellow-Master Student of Architecture of the Sustainable Design at Politecnico of Turin
Silvia Ciocia is enthusiastic about architecture and its impact on society, interested in how being architect means also being able to influence the social interactions and promoting an inclusive approach, for people and with people.
She’s currently working on her Master thesis, deepening resilience in natural hazards through the design of a Transitional Shelter. This research is related with the project of a students team, called B-UP, she has founded with other architecture collegues.
Research fellow - City resilience design and management
Zhi Xin holds a Bachelor degree in Architecture from Taylor’s University and a Master degree in City Resilience Design & Management from Universitat Internacional Catalunya (UIC), Barcelona. Her professional experiences transcend across multiple disciplines: architecture, urban development, city resilience, disaster risk reduction and urban mobility. During her time working as a project intern in Rupprecht Consult GmbH, she is also involved in 2 EU funded research projects: H2020 Inclusion and SUNRISE. Currently working as an architectural & urban designer, she determined to design cities for people.
Research Fellow- Urban and regional planning
Mohamed graduated in 2020 with a master’s degree in "Urban and regional planning" at the Polytechnic University of Turin. He is conducted research in the field of restorative built environment as a part of his mater’s graduation thesis. For his bachelor’s degree, he graduated as a civil engineer from the University of Khartoum, Sudan, with over seven years of experience in the community development sector. He is explicitly focusing on youth development with the hopes of contributing to the developmental scene in Sudan, boosting his interest in the field of transdisciplinarity education and urban sustainability. Mohamed plans to establish an initiative to improve the Sudanese socio-economic state by exchanging experience with developed countries. Using the most modern education methods, he will embrace opportunities that will enhance his skills and help him meet his ambition of accomplishing positive changes in the continent.