The TrUST Podcast
A safe space to dialogue around dis-connection
and re-connection in our present time
COVID-19 has brought up an unprecedented global collective experience that is challenging the way we live. The need and demand to revisit and rebuild our modus operandi in terms of a new educational system is palpable. Technology has been our salvation for keeping our classes running through the year, but how can we ensure that a post-COVID-19 scenario can trigger the best of a new way of conceiving curricula and classes related to sustainability? How can we maintain the excellence criteria of the current University on internationalization, high disciplinary variety, action researches on urban transformations? How can we shape a post-crisis scenario with a fresh narrative, new methods and pedagogies, via remote-teaching classes, too?
In a nutshell
To discuss the current crisis and the renovated role of academia in it, we think that:
a generative dialogue will bring new dimensions to our post-pandemic recovery towards new forms of education for sustainable transitions.
TrUST will host these dialogues in a podcast series that will act as a safe space among stakeholders who are already exploring the “Ego to Eco framework”.
The podcast's main learning objective is to offer a safe space for generative dialogues on new educational models for sustainability transitions between students and experts. Dialogue is not a discussion. The etymological roots of discussion are in “to shake apart” — to break things up into tiny pieces so they can be carefully analyzed by different points of view, in order to enable a ping-pong of arguments, where the goal is to win the game.
The Podcast mindmap
To find out more: