TrUST Unconference

Thank you all for joining us in the TrUST #Unconference! Glad to have you in the #TrUST journey!
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The TrUST Unconference is being organised by TrUST, a research project on Inter/trans-disciplinarity for Urban Sustainability Transition, funded by the DIST department of Politecnico di Torino, and supported by the Green Team of Politecnico di Torino, the RUS - Italian Network of Sustainable University. The Writing Workshop is being designed with ISINNOVA, within the EU-funded H2020 project “SHAPE-ID”, addressing the challenge of improving interdisciplinary cooperation between the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) and STEM (Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and other disciplines.
The TrUST project (Politecnico di Torino), together with the H2020 SHAPE-ID project, organise a two-day Unconference on inter/trans-disciplinary (ITD) educational tools and approaches that can support and improve sustainability education in the realm of urban transitions, addressing both the SDG4 and the SDG11.
The Unconference will be held on 17th and 18th February 2020 at the UNESCO Heritage site of the Valentino Castle in Turin, Italy.
The two days will see an initial and final sessions with international keynote speakers, who will focus on the new learning paradigms for sustainability education, from primary schools to impact campuses.
After and before the public keynotes, there will be two parallel sessions: a Writing Workshop and a World café.
The Writing Workshop (restricted participation) will produce a mission statement, exploring what kind of inter/trans-disciplinary (ITD) educational tools and approaches can support and improve sustainability in the realm of urban transitions.
The activity is co-organised with the EU-funded project SHAPE-ID and it will be conducted through several facilitated session to cover all strategic sectors of the contemporary educational landscape for sustainability, keeping in mind that in the end the aim is contribute to a toolkit SHAPE-ID, specifically in relation to case studies and practices of ITD methods applied to life-long education to urban sustainability.
The parallel World Café session (open up to maximum 30 participants) will let the young researchers and professors turning up to self-manage their own burning questions, listen to those of others, participate in a lot of discussions on ITD education experiences. This session will be facilitated by Politecnico di Torino staff.

We are announcing day by day all featuring keynote speakers and attendees on our social media channels. Follow us to get the latest updates and use our hashtag #trustunconference !
(Source: Jakob Kohlbrenner ( for Intrepid (
| Organisers and Contact |
The TrUST conference is organised by the TrUST team in synergy with the ISINNOVA team. If you want more information, you can reach us at, or you may browse our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter accounts.