World Café Parallel Session
(Source: Jakob Kohlbrenner ( for Intrepid (
The TrUST Unconference will analyse Inter/Trans-Disciplinary (ITD) educational models and approaches that support sustainable urban transformation, as research addressing SDG 4 – Quality education and SDG 11 – Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
The main goal is to bring people together who are interested in improving and innovating their own (and indeed others’) ITD perspectives, and who are currently or have recently been involved in projects relating the transformative education towards a global citizenship concept.
We will provide space for
- listening to gold practice from our keynote speakers (free for all but registration needed - fill the eventbrite form!);
- networking with your peers, bringing your own burning questions, listening to those of others, participating in a lot of discussion sessions and getting even smarter than you already are – together! (Participation free up to 30 persons- fill the eventbrite form!).