A collaborative vision and pathways for transforming academia

What do we want academia to be like in 2050? Is academia on the right track? What will it take to agree on and realize a joint vision that can steer life in science towards a more sustainable and agreeable place to work, to learn, to share and to appreciate knowledge?

The issues raised here are based on a workshop with more than 40 participants at the International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2021. The discussion was initiated and hosted by the Careoperative, a leadership collective motivated to explore, embody and pollinate transformational sustainability and transdisciplinary research.

Join the discussion and read the full post here.

#TrUSTFindings: Evaluation on effective #ITDR practices

Sharing some of our findings!

As far as what concerns the ways of doing ITD, our interviewees oscillate between focusing on relationship and tasks.


#Relationship-oriented: The #setting (how the space is organized) the #relationships (how #conflicts are managed between different #actors and #disciplines)

Here is an example of a setting and relationship #orientation, which sounds very #inspiring to us:

“(…) there is a #physical space, which in the same floor, it's a one floor in one of the teaching buildings, which has offices for postdocs to be sitting together. Even if they are from very different research centers, they will be sitting together and so improving their communication.”

It seems like a #safespace has been established, and is really #effective in improving the #ITDR practices!


Another approach which is #task-oriented:

Focusing on real #outcomes: questions were asked concerning the kind of #results that can only be achieved by doing #ITD #research.

“So in a sense, where we have a #shared #perspective, most of the results we have obtained need to be #multidisciplinary because they need to #communicate to a more #disciplinary based audience”


Regarding on what are the other variables are needed in order to #enhance #ITD, most of the #aspects, for instance, are #1: #fundings to facilitate the processes, #2 #policies to support the #transformation and #3 #education to mainstream #ITDR.

Academia in the time of Covid-19: Our chance to develop an ethics of care.

#Academia in the time of #Covid19: Our chance to develop an #ethics of #care. We share and invite to sign the following manifesto by Esteve Corbera.

"This crisis has made it clear that we must deepen our care for others, becoming more attentive to the emotions and life experiences of our students, PhD candidates, co-authors, and colleagues." We welcome ongoing efforts to slow down the pace of academia, prioritize importance over urgency, collective rather than individual goals, and contribute to public debates not necessarily in the form of academic articles but through our teaching or public outreach (e.g. blogs, TV and radio appearances, student-led debates, etc.). Also, career and evaluation expectations must change. Covid-19 can and should lead us to prioritize those areas and tasks where we can really make a difference, which may involve writing less but better, and engaging more seriously with knowledge transfer and policy change activities. When the Covid-19 crisis fades away, which it will, we have a chance to make academia a more ethical, empathetic, and thus rewarding profession. Sign the Manifesto here: http://estevecorbera.com/academia-in-the-time-of-covid-19-our-chance-to-develop-an-ethics-of-care/?fbclid=IwAR0DcuwO7iylW6cc71C78n39ZxZCk2g-oa_5B4EkR31svCGaYF6cp0t4QRE

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