Celebrating the success of our TruST Unconference, that took place on 17th and 18th February in the beautiful UNESCO Heritage site of the Valentino Castle in Turin, Italy! The focus of the Unconference was the "Education for urban sustainability” challenge. During the 2 days, we had explored a different kind of inter/transdisciplinary (ITD) educational tools and approaches that can support and improve sustainability education in the realm of urban transitions. Here are some of the highlights on the event:
Kickstarting our #Unconference with Theory U by our principal investigator Giulia Sonetti and welcome speech by Carlo Sessa from Shape-ID.
The opening plenary sessions are truly insightful and gave various fresh perspectives to ITD education tools! Thanks to all our speakers that introduced ITD education tools at different levels:
Jo Ferreirra: Pedagogies & systems change in higher education curricula
Julie Davis: Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education for Sustainability
Maria Alvarez: Liberating pedagogy: Learning inside of complexity and uncertainty
The fun times begin - ice-breaking exercises led by Valerie Adolff, all our participants are sharing their favorite urban spaces! Look at the happy faces while they are showcasing their drawings! Followed by the first writing session on ITD Educational practices.
On the other side there’s a parallel world cafe session going on, which open for public participation as well!
Interesting after lunch activities - Our experts were gathering around to review the world cafe posters and giving feedbacks which struck meaningful discussions!
Before diving into the next writing session on barriers encountered in ITD work in Education ,our participants were engaged in the awareness training sessions - and this is how active listening looks like! How beautiful!
We ended the day 1 of Unconference with the 3rd writing session: Triggers of ITD Education followed by a fruitful discussion.
Rise and shine! We acknowledged the importance of mindfulness and begin our day 2 of Unconference with presencing exercise led by Valerie Adolff!
Day 2 begins with exciting writing sessions on mission statements! The experts were co-designing mission statements for researches! Here’s the mission statements they have co-created:
Mission #1: Universities serving as sustainable communities
Mission #2: Empower a community of change to re-orient higher education institutions towards sustainability
Mission #3: Enable just and resilient communities
Consolidated our experts’ thoughts and ideas towards the end with these amazing sketches done by Caterina Barioglio. It was a fruitful wrap-up session indeed!
Ending it with some sweet notes! Thanks to our incredible speakers on their inspiring and thought-provoking speeches!
Ruth Forster: Transformative teaching in HIgher Education for Sustainable Developmement: facing the challenges
Marta Varanda & Olivia Bina: Intrepid Knowledge for the Present and Future of Universities
Nikki Brand: Creating the infrastructure for ITD research and education
It’s a wrap! Thank you, everyone, for joining us and contributing to our learning journey. It’s been wonderful and we are so happy to have you in our #TrUST family. Once again thanks to our host, Giulia Sonetti and #ShapeID_EU for making this happen! Please find here the link to the presentation with the doodling of the days and the background info. Thanks to our keynotes, you may also find their presentations here!