What kind of inter/trans-disciplinary (ITD) educational tools and approaches can support and improve sustainability education in the realm of urban transitions?

Event and engagement preparation and workshop facilitation, including co-creative methods, it’s always an exciting task. Here we leave some hints about the forthcoming workshop that will be held on 17-18 February 2020 in the Humanity UNESCO Heritage site of the Valentino Castle in Turin, Italy.

It will be part of both an international conference hosted by TrUST, and a sequence of workshops that SHAPE-ID, a EU H2020 funded project, is organizing across Europe: Dublin (2-3 December 2019), Edinburgh (20-21 January 2020), Bilbao (23-24 March 2020), Warsaw (20-21 April 2020) and Zurich (14-15 May 2020). These workshops engage researchers and stakeholders inside and outside the academic world, to address societal challenges and innovation issues underpinned by the UN 17 SDGs. They are structured as “learning journeys”, starting on the morning of the first day and ending at lunchtime the second day.

Invited participants are experts from different disciplinary perspectives. They will be engaged in a “writing exercise”, structured around research questions in gradually deeper stages, and aiming to formulate a collective position statement. This will include practical recommendations on the inter/trans-disciplinary educational approaches useful for the concrete realization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the urban context, usable by all actors of urban transformations. To enhance the workshop impact, the position statement can be further developed in a co-authored paper on a high-impact factor journal.

Stay Tuned!